Spanish Interpretation\Cultural Liaison


Special Education Interpreting Services

These services are used to help facilitate a meeting between district staff and Spanish speaking parents of children qualifying for Special Education Services. These services include parent interviews, interpreting at IEP meetings, facilitating communication to provide information about special education procedures, attending in-service presentations when Spanish speaking parents are present, orientation, open house, parent teacher conferences, student performance/Behavior meeting, District /Community meetings, etc.


Special Education Translation Services

Documents to be translated should be sent in an editable format. Please allow 2 working days for a one page document, 5 working days for a two to four page document, and 10 working days for 5 or higher page document. Please include the title of the document in the subject line of your email and attach your editable document to the email before sending it for translation.


Cultural Liaison Services

These services are used to help empower parents to become active participants in the educational activities of their children. Cultural Liaison services could include: encouraging parents to be active and participate in all school meetings, assisting parents in locating resources needed, surveying parents to figure out how to improve involvement in school activities, creating and posting flyers for school events, providing orientation for new students, assisting with preschool screening, etc.


Letty Hornberg
Cell: (507) 450-0541


To submit a request for Spanish Interpretation\Cultural Liaison services CLICK HERE.