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Evaluating Behavior Programs

date 06/06/2018 author dwc admin category MTSS, Resources, Behavior, FastBridge Assessments, eduCLIMBER Tools comment Leave a comment

Are you looking to implement a new behavior program at your school?

Do you have a behavior program at your school? Is it working? How do you know?

Are your teachers implementing behavior interventions? How do they track their behavior intervention data?

If you answered any of the questions above, this is the blog post for you!

FastBridge has assessment resources to help assess the implementation of behavior programs and social, academic, and emotional health of students in your school. This assessment is called SAEBRS and mySAEBRS. SAEBRS stands for Social Academic Emotional Behavior Risk Screener. The SAEBRS assessment is completed by teachers for students ages K – 12, with a total of 19 questions on a Likert-esque scale. This is a screening only assessment and is not available for progress monitoring. The mySAEBRS is a student survey based on similar questions as the SAEBRS survey but is completed by students ages 2nd- 12th grade. These assessments allow you to evaluate your school's overall Tier 1 behavior program as well as identify students who may qualify for Tier 2 and Tier 3 behavioral services if your school has the available resources.

eduCLIMBER has various behavior resources which can help schools track behavioral incidents as well as a tool to track data for behavior intervention data. eduCLIMBER allows teachers and school staff to enter behavior incidents quickly and efficiently with behavior incident entry. eduCLIMBER follows the PBIS model (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports), meaning behaviors fall under Major and Minor categories. eduCLIMBER has the ability to receive behavior data imports from your school’s SIS and eduCLIMBER behavior incidents can be easily customized to your school’s needs. eduCLIMBER also has tools to create, implement, and track behavior interventions that are happening within your school. This tool can help you not only evaluate your school’s behavior system but also track Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions which are occurring and allows you to easily track fidelity of these interventions.

Please look at the following resources to help you learn more about behavior tools in FastBridge and eduCLIMBER, and how you can use these tools to evaluate behavior programs at your school or how these tools can help support your staff or students.

Please contact Meredith Johnson ( ) if you are interested in any of the resources or tools listed below! Please take a look at the main Data Management webpage as well for more resources about these tools and how to use them in your system.

FastBridge - SAEBRS Overview
FastBridge - mySAEBRS Overview
FastBridge Insights - Reviewing Core Instruction for Behavior Skills

eduCLIMBER - Behavior Interventions Manual
eduCLIMBER - Incidents Manual

Student Growth Percentile

date 05/30/2018 author dwc admin category Resources, Principal's, Data comment Leave a comment

Hello -  Happy rainy Wednesday! 

As promised I have put together some resources about student growth percentiles. Below you will find a link to the Google Presentation about Student Growth Percentiles. 
In this presentation, there is a break down of what student growth percentile is, reports available on FastBridge and interpretation guides of those FastBridge Reports. There are several resources pertaining to FastBridge Student Growth Percentile Reports as well as other MDE and other state resources pertaining to the topic. You can also use eduCLIMBER to look at student growth percentile by applying a different target set to the data search you perform. 

Student Growth Percentile Presentation - Google Presentation 
Student Growth Percentile Presentation - PDF

Please let me know if you have any other questions or are looking for more information about Student Growth Percentile. 


Principal's Advisory Committee Meeting 5-17-18

date 05/17/2018 author dwc admin category MTSS, Leadership, Resources, Principal's comment (1) comment(s)

Hello! Happy Thursday! 

Today I presented at the Principal's Advisory Committee meeting and completed a basic rundown of eduCLIMBER and FastBridge progress for schools, as well as some Spring Screening Data resources and information. 

We discussed Student Growth Percentiles and looked at how to access this data on FastBridge as well as eduCLIMBER. This data information can be very helpful as it allows you to see a students progress over a school year versus a student's proficiency at the end of a school year. Student Growth Percentile data can be compared and discussed at the building level, grade level, as well as individual classroom levels. This data provides great discussion opportunities for district leaders, interventionist, and classroom teachers. 

Also discussed was the opportunity to use spring screening data to evaluate your building's Tier 1 curriculum. This can provide you an opportunity to work on aligning and implementing various Tier 1 Curriculum solutions. Another Tier 1 curriculum support you can provide is to align and organize all context and skill vocabulary for all grade levels, so students are consistently and continuously building vocabulary knowledge and skills. 

Spring data also provides the chance to evaluate interventions and take the time to review the fidelity with which the interventions are being implemented, eduCLIMBER is a great resource to help you track intervention (academic and behavioral) fidelity. Also reviewing the research and evidence behind interventions to ensure the interventions being implemented are supported with research which shows positive results. 

The presentation and materials included in the presentation are listed below, all the links to other resources are included in the presentation but are also listed below. Please contact me with any questions!
Thanks and good luck with the rest of the school year!


MTSS Symposium Materials

date 05/16/2018 author dwc admin category MTSS, Professional Development, Conference, Leadership comment Leave a comment

Happy Wednesday! 

Last week I was invited to attend a symposium with some pretty big names in the MTSS world. I was able to attend via live stream on YouTube and can now share all of the presentations and materials from the day with you! Below is a list of the presentations and the live stream links to YouTube. 

Symposium Presentation Materials
Agenda: Leading for MTSS Symposium

Here are the links to the Live stream videos: 
- Live Stream 1
- Live Stream 2
- Live Stream 3